Designing A Life Vs. Making A Living


Lessons,  from the coach of the month  Anthony Robbins
Learning from his story.

The big man, the giant of personal development Anthony robbins is the mentor of the month. Anthony Robbins is followed by millions around the world, if you aren’t a student of his work, you’re simple missing out.

Robbins is a man after my own heart- Wow, this man been doing his research and living his work, that’s why he is on top of his game. His philosophies into a peek performance life style and personal development are profound and holistic.

Taking over the game – man after my own heart

Starting out with only a high school education he has risen through the ranks, head strong on his mission of personal development. He has done it all, worked as a janitor, a sales manager, promoted seminars for Jim Rohn, taught neuro-linguistic programming, and developed own system.    His early work has laid the foundations for the giant we see today.
Robbins is a professed Researcher looking for the keys to peak performance.  He claims to have read hundreds of books in the area of personal development and psychology looking for what makes the mind ticks.

Robbins has been Honored, as one of the ten most “Outstanding People in the World” by the International Chamber of Commerce. He can boast having worked with people from all walks of life, President to athletes, world-class musicians to Fortune 500 CEO’s. Robbins has addressed members of  British Parliament to Harvard Business School.   This former janitor now the owner of nine companies and the head of a national foundation that organizes and sponsors projects to serve the homeless, inner-city youth, prisoners and the elderly. Robbins has made his mark on the world touching and influencing more people then he can ever meet in person, he has made a great contribution to the world with his work.

His two books Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant have sold millions of copies, his seminars, “Unleash the Power Within, Life Mastery, The Competitive Edge and “Date with Destiny” are taught worldwide if you aren’t a student of his work, your simple missing out.

The big man, the giant of personal development. as you see Anthony Robbins is not, just any coach he is a super coach a genius of peek performance and personal development.

Being a student of Robbins I would love to share some of his lessons and insights on designing the life you desire VS. making a living. I recommend you getting his CD box sets and books, that’s if you haven’t already got his material, if you have some of Anthony Robbins work, listen or read it and refresh your memory, repeation is the mother of skill as Robbins says.

My parents says … if you lie with dogs your going to catch flees – which = positive associations build useful habits.

Lesson 1. make a list of Role Models

Anthony Robbins says that in order to succeed with your goals long term or sort term an individual most be conscious of the seeds which you plant in the garden of your mind or you’ll end up with weeds. I agree with this statement whole heatedly. What you occupy your time with, watch, read or listen to, the people you associate with have a profound impact on your mental and psychological state. all these factors have a molding effect on your mind, that’s why you should have a set of Role Models. Having great Role Models is a major contributing factor to Robbins success.

Develop the habit of perpetual learning, read and develop your intelligence daily

On the subject of making a living VS designing a life, Robbins says to move beyond the mundane day to day living and work towards a set of five goals.
Your five goals should consist of personal development goals, business and financial goals, spiritual and life style and family goals.

Lesson 2. Be inspired and discover your true potential.

Anthony Robbins says you must discover or create goals big enough and grand enough to inspire and challenge you to move beyond your current limits and discover your true potential.
You should feel inspired when you think of your goals, if you are not inspired you probably don’t want it enough, in that case you may have the wrong targets so you should re-evaluate them, if it is what you want you have to work on developing a deeper interest and desire, the book – Think and grow Rich will lead you through the science of conditioning Napoleon Hill gives detailed instructions in the art of building desire.

Lesson 3. Your limits today do not have to be your limits tomorrow.

Robbins tells and reminds us that our current conditions do not reflect our ultimate potential, but rather the size and quality of what you are currently focusing on sets this condition. This is just so important, the size and quality of what we hold, what your attention and focus is on dictates your destiny.

Lesson 4. Live consciously
Its all about being conscious of what seeds you’re planting in the mind. The seeds that you sow should assist you in your growth and development in the long run and short term. So, consciously build your self, use books, life coaches, read this site, have positive friend and role models, use hobbies to develop your passion and skills.

Who knows what forces have conspired to make such a great individual but one thing I know for sure is that Robbins has been a great student of the human condition and peek performance and has alined him self with the teachings of powerful learnerd role models either in the flesh or in books, Robbins has benefited from their wisdom. When this force of nature known as Anthony Robbins talks “progressive people”, listen and take note.