How To Use Mind Conditioning For A Peak Performance YOU

Before we go into detail about conditioning and achieving a peak performance you, I think it would help to define and clarify the essence and nature of conditioning. Though out this post and the site for that matter, I use the word conditioning and mind conditioning inter changeably.

The Nature of behavioural change and mind re-programming

So what is conditioning? Well let me tell you what conditioning is not. It is not positive thinking, although you can, condition and polarise positive thought patterns and habits into your Subconscious or automatic mind. Mind conditioning is not Affirmations, although you can use affirmations to help condition the mind, by Imbedding commands, or suggestions in the automatic mind.

My best practical definition of mind conditioning, at this time is – The continuous effort of Programming or moulding of the mind to acquire a given state of being or Expression – Any aspect of the human expression can be conditioned or Reprogrammed  mental, physical or emotional level.

Comparing mind conditioning to its closes relative – mind reprogramming. Almost Everybody’s has an some idea of what mind reprogramming is. The term is pretty Self explanatory – The term mind reprogramming commonly refers to the practice of Installing and or removing behaviours in the automatic or unconscious mind or even memories, mind reprogramming kinda looks at the human psyche like a piece of computer software. Mind reprogramming models see’s the brain as a piece of hardware, with clear definable boundaries, protocols and procedures, this mechanical model is pretty prevalent in books and over the Internet, basically you find a mind programming technique and sit in a formal session – and all your problems or solved.

Truth about behavioural change and mind re-programming

In reality the truth is that, behavioural change, mind re-programming or mind conditioning, as self improvement and Personal development go, is not a one hit shot. It’s a active process that need to be enforced after the formal programming session. The enforcement is carried out by your will power in the event. Your will power is the glue that sticks the new programme to mind, this process is called conditioning.

There are no quick fixes in behavioural change. Behavioural change or transformation is a process and can consist of many elements. This is because the mind and human experience is multi levelled. Change unfolds over time. Let me use an example from my own life.  In my early 20s I went though a stages of heavy drinking I wouldn’t say that Iwas an alcoholic but I drunk just about every day, this went on for about a year or more. During this time, some part of my physic was growing increasingly dissatisfied with this lifestyle. I had established a deep rooted habit, that I couldn’t seem to break, I would drink with friends, I would drink alone, I would with my work colleagues, after work and sometimes at lunchtime. At the time I couldn’t see a way out, I tried many times to give up, but with no luck.

The French say: “Dissatisfaction is the seed of change”

I was dissatisfied with the lost time, lack and lose of energy, the late night drinking for drinking sake, I was dissatisfied with the hangovers and lost days, I was displeased and dissatisfied with my behaviour and self image I was portraying, I was dissatisfied with the way I was feeling. Its shocking because feeling like shit can become standard or the norm.

One day I got out of bed, about 4pm feeling like crap, which as I said was normal, anyway I went over to the window, and started to gaze at the world. I watched kids playing and riding their bikes, I watched people go about their business. I Thought to myself I’m letting life pass me by. As I was people watching, I started to imagine what kind of day these people were having. Where have they been, how long have there been out and about, what time did they start their day, how much more of life have they experienced while I was sleeping off the drink. From that day I stopped drinking to excess.

The right thoughs equal  an organic paradigm shift

Question what facilitate the transformation in Attitude and lifestyle? Was it was self  hypnosis recordings, was it well meaning comments of concern form friends and family, was it just the beauty and wonder of that day.

I believe my change in paradigm was organic, it’s started as a thought and feeling at the time when I first became aware that a change was necessary, and this change in Attitude continued to grow with every supporting thought, idea and situation that was congruent with the thought of change, in time it hatched. I had the desire to be more and experience more life’s natural pleasures, over time I had conditioned my mind to accept the new reality.

Thoughts and ideas – Reprogramming and Condition the mind

In Hostile negotiations – a peace deal comes about though repeated converstations  and meeting, eventually a deal is meet and peace is ensured by a hand shake, the process was organic. It started with a conflict of interest and ended with a guarantee of self interest.

The above description can be likened to the process of behaviour change, Successful change is not the result of the hand shake. Success was the Result of all the meetings, in the same way successfully braking my drinking habit was the accumulative result of hundreds of thoughts, some of which I was conscious of and some of which I was not, change was reinforced by the caring words of friends and Family, and mind reprogramming techniques some of which were recording, change come about as a result of failed attempts to stop drinking. It was a organic process of, self-awareness understanding, limited success, trying and failing, learning, which leads to higher degrees of inner understanding, new self awareness you self-knowledge.

The most important elements of conditioning are revealed – at the cross roads, the cross roads is an analogy used to describe the junctions one come’s to in the Quest to modifier behaviour…


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