Self Growth Lesson’s From Naruto part 2

Lessons in success consciousness

Ok I’m a big kid, Back again with the latest lessons in success from the world of  Manga. In my opinion, after Dragon Ball Z  Naruto Shepelton is the most inspirational manga cartoon, Jam packed with life lessons.

Naruto Uzumaki always has his eyes on victory and success. For Naruto it’s about becoming powerful and wise enough to become Hokage (leader) to protect his village. No matter what it takes victory is the only truth, this is self determination. We can learn some valuable lessons in success consciousness from our young Ninja Naruto.

When you enter the school of life’s you are required to look to the top and grow from where you stand, you’re a success because you are here right now. You have grown and won many victories. Were you stop growing is up to you?

As a child Naruto looked up and said he will one day lead as Hokage. This was Naruto’s big vision, to protect and gain the respect of the people he loves. Every time Naruto is in a tough spot he looks back at all the battle’s his won and remembers that he always finds a way to win.

Key points:

  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you love to do?
  • In your passion you can find great energy and drive?

One thing which you should remember is that you have won many battles through out your life; you are already a successful person.

When naruto comes up against an seemingly unbeatable challenges, he always reflects back to his previous victory’s as a source of power. Doing this he sees that it’s not the first time he’s come against a tough challenge and even though the situation is tough, with hard work and focus his Conquered them one by one.

Key points:

  • Counts your victory‘s. You’ve won many battles, List your victory’s, major and minor.
  • Use your past success to fuels further success

Naruto failed at every attempt to pull off the most simple ninja skills, such as the shadow clone technique, but he never gives up trying to learn this simple technique. In time he did learn how to pull off the shadow clone technique and this became one of his most power weapons the multi shadow clone technique.

What can we learn from this?

  • Well in trying to shoot for the moon you may just hit a star
  • With focus and determinations you can turn your weakness into strength

When Naruto says or sets out to accomplish a task, that’s it – it is as good as done, naruto sticks to his word. Naruto lives by what he calls his nindo, his ninja way. Naruto’s nindo is his code” I never give up, I never go back on my word.

Naruto’s nindo or code gives naruto no way out. Because he is committed Naruto believes he has to find a way, what ever it takes and stay true to his word. Naruto commitment to his code gives Naruto the power and creativity to overcome obstacles.

What can you take form this? 

  •    Let your word become manifested.  Honour your word, when you say your going to do something do it.

The rasengan a technique handed down from master to master. When naruto was introduced to this technique he was told that it was technique that has only been mastered by a few masters. Naruto thought to his self, how can he accomplish what only a small number of people have done, this is impossible he thought to himself, then naruto reflected back to his goal to became the leader of the village. In learning the rasengan, he saw his self walking in the foot step’s of the greats. It became a metaphor for his goals to become a Leader.

When working out use your exercise as a metaphor or affirmation. This helps to build the motivation to deal with life’s challenges with a smile (see 50 on the clip)

See yourself  the boss. Naruto is respectful to all people who he meets, but Naruto is his own boss. People respect naruto because he shows respect and honour to all, even people who seem like they are against him. When Naruto had a battle with gura, the sand ninja, Naruto looked past the evil in his enemy eye’s to the see the truth of the situation. Naruto’s so called enemy was actually a victim, they fought but Naruto showed compassion for his enemy and made him a allies and a friend.

What can we take home ?

  • Make more friends then enemy’s
  • Your enemy may turn out to be a misunderstood friend

“When people are protecting something truly special to them, they truly can become…as strong as they can be.”
— Naruto

A Ninja’s job is to see his/her mission through to the end.

