31 days, Alchemy Of Fasting – How To Do It Right

Day 11 of my peak performance challenge – the last 11 days has been a Roller Coaster ride. I’ve made measurable progress in my productivity and effectiveness and it shall be reflected in the overall improvement and quality of my work. My fast has exposed areas that can be improved, namely discipline and organization.

Here’s my original plan/statement

During Ramadan I shall be aiming to condition the habits and Disciplines, required to make the jump to the next level of achievement, Add greater value to my work. Over all plan is to up my game, personally, Spiritually and Professionally. At the end of the 31 day fast and peak Performance marathon, I want to have established an increase in my overall efficiency and effectiveness. I shall use the month of Ramadan as a month of Refinement of mind body spirit.

Look before you leap

Like a laser guided missile I went straight at it. I had started my fast but I was unorganised and ill equipped, it was like landing in china without a map.

One of the major differences between a spiritual or personal fasting and Religious fasting is that, in Religious fasting such as in Islam for example the roles and format are already set out. In a spiritual or personal fasts – you need to do a bit more research, in order to find a programme that works for you. Personally I’ve done research in the past but, I hadn’t given it a second thought this time around.

I started my fast by stating my intentions and what I wanted to get out off it. This was after a conversation with a friend which left me inspired by the discipline muslins demonstrate during the mouth of Ramadan which is step 1 “Planning” step 2 “Organisation” I didn’t plan how I was going to go about it.

Doing it right

In order to have a healthy and sensible fast – I need to implement a bit more Planning and organisation discipline, determination and vision helps – you get some of the way – but the big four, inspiration, determination, discipline, and vision are only the starting point. A good fast is the result of good planning, good organisation and preparation.

The key is to define a time to start your fast and time to break the fast. Organise and define your diet during the fast, what you will and will not eat. This is a good way to further challenge your habits. During my fast I have made my body a meat free, milk free, alcohol free temple. I didn’t set this prohibitions in the beginning, they have come about during the last two weeks – I’m kinda learning as I’m going along. But the most important thing is to put some thought and research into what kind and quality of food you’re going to eat to break your fast, how much you are going to eat when you break your fast, and of course the time span of your fast.

Lack of preparation is not good

I learnt this lesson the hard way. I started my fast at six o clock in the morning. Monday not eating or drinking water until and I broke my fast at about 4 o’clock in the evening Tuesday. I broke my fast eating nuts, dates and cranberries. Err, that was a bad idea. My stomach was going mad, nuts were bubbling and churning around in my stomach. Maybe if I eat a small amount I would have been ok, but no – I stuffed my face for about 3 hours after breaking my fast, on a all you can eat rampage. I’ve learnt my lesson and paid a stomach bubbling fine, for lack of discipline during – break fast, eating a bad choice of food which made my stomach go nuts.

The human binge bag

Congratulation I went the whole day without eating or drinking. Breaking my fast at 4 o’clock, not eating all evening. At night I became the Human binge bag, this continued for 3 nights. On the nights of nights 5, 6, 7 I had an over whelming urge for ice cream and cake. Can you believe that it ice and cakes. I love cake but ice, I hardly eat ice, especially at 12 at night , any way there is no ice Cream in the house, so I went out on a mission to retrieve some. Like I said this binging went on For three nights by the 7th night, I eat my last bit of cake and ice cream, and I resolved not to continue with the evil Ritual of late night binging.

Why did I do it?

While fasting I caught myself fantasising about all kind of indulgences, at some level I justified late night binging because I had made such great success during my fast. By day 4 my body was feeling refined and clean, my mind sharp and responsive. Some were in this I reasoned that it was ok, but then again I didn’t plan not to eat such things so there you go, you live and you learn.

Lessoning in awareness

One of My principle reasons for fasting is to refine and cultivate greater discipline. During the fasting period your discipline, awareness and resolve are Tested at every corner. You’re forced to come face to face with your desires. If you find yourself at the fridge at night munching away, when you “done” told yourself, you weren’t going to eat – fasting will challenge and strengthen you, making you more aware. Fasting will make you challenge your resolve and build your discipline.

Lesson form natruto

I’m a big fan of Naturo, which is a character in the Japanese manga series Naruto shippuden. In one Episode naturo was challenged to face the hidden contents of his heart. this meant he had to sit under a waterfall. This was not any ordinary water fall, this waterfall revels the contents of your heart, naturo came face to face with his deepest darkest fears desires, emotions, and drives. The hidden parts of his psyche materialised as an image of himself, a evil naturo.

Naturo went into battle with this apparition, to cut a long story short, they fought and fought, neither naturo could win, the more naruto fought the more his opposite fought, it was hopeless there was no way he could win against his evil self because they had the same skills and abilities, but naruto realized that the one thing he did have over his opposite was love and understanding. What happened is that he used his love and understanding to make peace with his evil or negative side, which was his own self creation he made as a protector, but was no longer servicing his current needs. They again became one for the common good.

Discipline become easer with understanding

Back to fasting because in fasting you come into conflict with your desires and emotions and automatic responses. the challenge is to maintain conscious awareness of your actions, recognizing them and re integrating the energy back into your Psyche. When fasting and in every day life – I feel that it is important to quickly learn from mistakes forgiving and understand and loving yourself. Re integrating unwanted energy back into your Psyche.

Fasting as a tool of personal growth

Over the last ten days I have realised more then ever that my discipline and awareness and will power
must remain erect to meet my goals in my 31 day challenge. Being more effective productive and organised during this reflection it has become clear that consistency is the key to every thing we do, consistency, is the greater driver of behavioural change and transformation. with consistency your effort multiply.

Like Jim Rohn says it all about the numbers, it about analysing your results to See, if they add up, and redoing the math if they don’t. This last week has demonstrated to me how much can be achieved with reasonable progressive in a measurable time.Time, while keeping a eye on the numbers (results) the art is in the numbers and as always it not the goal that counts it what the goal makes of you.

Alchemy of fasting

Fasting is the realest form of inner alchemy you can find or put your self though, its not simply just about purging the body of in purities but its about purging the mind and refining the spirit, remaining peaceful and loving when your sugar level are low, when it feels like your stomach is turning inside out, but at the same time, showing yourself love and attention, for me this is done with yoga and mediation.

Fasting is a learning process, learning about yourself giving you the opportunity to refine yourself Personally, Spiritually, Mentally. The refinement will ultimately benefit all areas of your life – if you are coming at fasting from the right angle with the aptitude…


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