What Is Peak Performance?

Everything flows in and out, everything has its tides: all things rise and fall: the pendulum swing manifest in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensate’s Hermetic axiom Quoted from Wayne b. Chandler Ancient future.

Start the ball rolling with a Peak Performance Attitude

The first two words in peak performance has to go to attitude and emotions... Why? because your attitude and emotions are intimately related to your results and preformance. Generally a persons Drive and attitude ebbs and flows with the tide of their feeling and emotions. Sometime your feeling are “ALL GO” and at other times you may feel, “ALL SLOW MO”. A peak performance attitude gives you the Drive and vision to do you’re very best, when you’re feeling at your  vary worst. This may be at times when your feeling pissed off, and it feels like nothing seems to be working in your favour. At times when the game seems to be playing you, and you can’t find any immediate answers, at times when stress and frustrations are roaring, peak performance attitude will up your results.

A peak performance Attitude is a Philosophy of personal development

A peak performance attitude  will get you to go for that run 06 30 in the morning, even if it is only for 5min. A peak performance attitude will get you to deliver that one extra push up, when you feel spent, a peak performance attitude, will get your to do a exercise routine every day, no matter how long it is. A peak performance attitude will get you to save that 10 percent a mouth, – on the same note a peak performance attitude will also get you to save as little as 3 percent of your earning , knowing that the figure may be low, but when invested in the right place it can grow and multiply in value. A Peak Performance attitude will ensures that you maintain a steady momentum and focus.

So, what is peak performance?

Let me Answer the question with a saying that I came across that relates to averages. The saying goes’ a little something like this… Average is the best of the best and the worst of worst. In describing what peak performance is, I would pop peak performance in the brackets of aiming to be the best of you’re your best as an average, when your feeling the worst of your worst. Sometimes“ shizzel happens” and you Mess up and miss the target, but the point is you gave it your best at the time.

Defining a peak performance attitude

If for instance your personal performance and attitude was measured on a scale of 1 to10, 1 being your must crappy effort and attitude – which translates as “I can’t be Bothered to do it“, I do the very least I can, to make the grade” and 10 being you with full effort and killer Attitude, Translating as “someone’s going to have to drag me away I’m going to give it my all, I won’t eat won’t sleep, and I work though the night, using full personal power, to get the job done. Which sounds good but maybe pushing it a bit far, Although on a occasion theirs a time and place for that attitude. – I would say a healthy effort and attitude would exist at number 7, which Translates as, I am using my Knowledge and resources to the best of my ability, to get the results I desire. Performance level 7  will ensure a healthy momentum and force, without toomuch risk of burn out.

How to develop a peak performance attitude

The Peak Performance formula

Intention + Attitude = Action

Action  + Consistent focus = Results and Momentum

I was first introduce to the concept peak performance attitude and life style, by the one and only Antony Robbins. I don’t remember word for word how he put it, but what most impressed upon me, is the holistic approach Robbins Presented. All in all Robbins bought home the fact that our personal result’s are to a great degree dictated and effected by life style, which consist of some of the following- What you eat, How you use your energy, How you breathe, How you think, Your knowledge, What you believe and How you train (your over all conditioning) .

We can call the above elements of your life style the basics for your disciplines, philosophy, Knowledge and personal expression. Optimising the elements that make up your life style is what can be consider as peak performance.

How to develop a peak performance  image

In our society we can see the peak performance concept implemented right across the board for example – High performance cars are a pleasure to watch out their on the track . But a peak Performance car really stands out and shines, when it’s riding up past a run of the mill, every day banger. When you see a super car and a banger head to head at the traffic lights, you then really begin to appreciate, that the super car is in an whole another league, and there are cared for very differently.

  • In you minds eye can you envision a peak performance you , how does the peak performance you do things differently, What do you do, How do you Look, How do you care for the parts that make up you (mind, body and spirit).

Peak performance athletes in the past relied upon their innate talents, minimal training and basic nutrition  to win game and possess 1st place and the glory of gold, Today however it’s a whole new ball game. The competition has evolved to a whole new level, the Competition, dose not just want to win, it want your breakfast lunch and dinner. With this in mind athlete are paying ever greater attention to mind ,body and spirit, i.e. Beliefs, attitude, physical, mental conditioning, training, nutrition, rest and relaxation – and all this is just to have one foot In the game. In the everyday world competition has always existed, but in today’s world you need to be smart and ready to make the necessary refinements, ready to claim even great responsibility for your results, because excuses, just don’t cut it – excuse  are not used by the competition.

  • What refinements can you make to your game
  • Think about  how can you improve you diet, or eating pattern to increase your energy levels, Can you improve your diet for an healthier peak performance you.


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