How To Develop A Magnetic Routine

Human beings love routine. We are extremely ritualistic in nature. Knowing this fact we can use it to our advantage to develop magnetic rituals and disciplines. For instance years ago I struggled to develop the habit of jogging in the morning, at that time I was a smoker.

I had a powerful urge to stop smoking and increase my fitness level, so instead of sticking my head outside the window to have a smoke. I would go out to the garden. After I had finished smoking I would have a little exercise – this would be jogging around the garden, running on the spot, push ups, star jumps etc. – this took a little effort at first but after a month or so the routine /pattern became automatic, I didn’t have to think about it.

This ritual habit evolved into going  out for walk to have a smoke, having a smoke then going  for a run around the block, evolving to running around the park on a daily basis and of course quitting smoking.

This one act of going outside for a smoke kicked off the fitness freak in me, Thi chi, Qi gong, Yoga and material arts came out of this seed – This is the magnetic power of a rituals – it can grow attracting more of the same, This is called Synergism.

Here’s 3 Simple Steps To a Magnetic Rituals

  • Start Simple
  • Do it daily (regular practice)
  • Make a commitment to a thirty day effort. This helps  to condition the habit into a ritual

The first thing that we must remember is that we are walking magnets. we attract and repeal things, people and events in to and out of our lives’ and just like magnets this power to pull and push is depending on the way we are positioned.

Think MAD – Positioning yourself for magnetic attraction

If you have something that is to be done routinely as in tomorrow, next month or as far as your eyes can see, put it in a Mad ritual. You my be thinking Lloyd’s gone mad, yes I’ve gone absolutely bonkers Mad, so mad I’m now using the mad Rituals, Check it out. This is how it works. Mad is an Acronym that stands for Magnetic, Attraction, Discipline, “MAD” YESSS Gold star for Lloyd my first Acronym.


M – Magnetic Like a magnet. Your ritual holds in place you’re current or desired behaviour routine/ patterns

A- Attraction Your routines/ rituals are magnetic. Your routines/ rituals pull to you and hold only situations circumstances or feeling your ritual was designed it to attract or build. For example if you do 100 push up every day by the end of the year you would have total 36500 push ups. You would have attracted a body like the hulk, if you eat 10 rashes of bacon every day your going attract the body of a pig. Anyway Like a magnet, what you do on a regular basis magnetically manifest your results.

D – Discipline your Discipline increase the magnetic power of your ritual. Discipline is like a electric current that super changes the power of your rituals or routines.

The Power And Effectiveness Of Our Rituals Are Central To All Or

Here’s some rituals to think about refining

  • Eating rituals. Eating time and what you eat (diet)
  • Financial rituals. The way you spend and invest money
  • Fitness rituals. The way you Exercise and move your body.
  • Sleeping routine.
  • Going to the toilet. Are you having regular bowl movements
  • How do you use your free time.

Just be M.A.D

  1. We all have ritual’s that are set in place, be it good or bad, be sure to tilt your rituals to the positive spectrum to accomplish your goals – Just think M.A.D.
  2. When your motivation levels are low, remember your rituals are the key to positive momentum – Just think M.A.D.
  3. From small acorns huge Oaks trees grow.  Plant that seed and – Just think M.A.D. What is it?  Magnetic,  Attraction, Discipline.


The Magnetic,  Attraction, Discipline and Dyslexia

The Magnetic, Attraction, Discipline has transformed many aspects of my Life but most importantly my Literacy. The M, A, D Principle was a key factor in helping me to overcome severe Dyslexia. Now the Magnetic, Attraction, Discipline has evolved into Brain Principle 6 – The Principle of Positive Immersion, 1 of 7 Brain Principles for Literacy and personal development for dyslexic or rather Global Thinkers.

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